They fail to capitalize on their investment, and this disappointment only causes frustration and a very critical attitude towards the effectiveness of these channels.
Many companies, especially SMEs, threw themselves into the social networks, attracted by the belief that it was a cheap and simple means to promote themselves, that here would proliferate the followers and soon they would reap positive results. Instead, over time they have realized that the promised land was not such, but rather an endless labyrinth through which they have been wasting time and resources. According to the survey published in April by Telstra, 24% of small companies investing in social networks have not had any positive results. Perhaps, this percentage of companies have a wrong view of the role of social networks and what is the most effective and intelligent way to realize its full potential.
Everything will depend on whether the company is willing to work hard, know the particularities of these channels and invest in a strategy. This implies the purpose of generating content and showing an open attitude to dialogue with its followers. If all you want is to sell, you have the wrong place.
Without active listening or interaction, brands are like souls in pain
Being to be in social networks, is the main mistake that many companies often incur. It is true that this type of media can offer us great opportunities, but mere presence will not serve us to achieve our purposes and objectives. Companies and brands must remain active and also know how to listen to know their target audience or audience, and how much is said about them. And is that although many companies can give a good example of how to take advantage of this type of media, the fact is that sometimes social networks can become authentic cemeteries full of souls in pain. Companies that maintain their presence without apparent signs of life or activity.
Without strategy it is impossible to obtain results
To get positive results is not enough to open a profile on Facebook, and let it see what happens. Every action in Social Media has to respond to a strategy; Must be actions aimed at achieving objectives. In addition, these actions must be coordinated with the company’s marketing plan, so that any initiative reinforces the final objective, and there is integration throughout the company’s communication. Are your social profiles linked to your website? Do your customers know you’re on Facebook? Do you integrate your social buttons in your mail signature?
Content is fuel that fuels the engine in Social Media
Get out of your head the idea that social networks are a sales channel. If you do not bring value, if you are not able to connect with your followers, generate trust and give them reasons to want to know more about you, all your efforts will be in vain. No matter what time you spend on Twitter to say how well you do this, or what your latest promotion, … if you can not tell them something else, the results will leave much to be desired.
Social networks are not valid for all types of business
Have you stopped to think if social networks are really for you? The fact that your neighbor does not mean that you owe too. You need to be aware of what your activity is, who your target audience is and which channels are most appropriate to reach them. It may be more effective to open a YouTube channel to showcase the manufacturing process or use tips about your products; Or create webinars to convey your know-how and, with it, get quality leads. Once again, stand up, reconsider your goals and design a strategy appropriate to them.
The management of social networks is a great responsibility
Another factor to take into account when creating a corporate profile is who will be responsible for its administration, speaking on behalf of the company through channels 2.0. This person has to know this medium, know how to act at all times, and be able to always put the best face of the brand. This does not prevent sometimes unpleasant situations, which will have to face and have the support of the company. According to Telstra, SMEs are already realizing the risks of their activity in social networks, 12% believe that it can harm their company. The brand must be aware that social networks are one more channel of communication, not an isolated element of its strategy.