Hearing loss does not only affect the elderly. In the United States, two to three babies out of 1,000 are born with hearing loss in both ears. According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), 15% of Americans aged 18 and older report having some form of hearing difficulty.
According to the NIDCD, the age of a person is the biggest predictor of hearing loss. This includes those aged 20-69. Hearing loss is a natural part of ageing, but damage to the ears can occur at an early age.
Health professionals are seeing more patients with hearing loss, even in their late teens. Noise-induced hearing loss has become a major problem. We spend hours a day on our phones or music players. When we are exposed to damaging noises, the delicate inner ear cells become damaged. The damage accumulates over time. For Ear wax removal Bristol, contact www.earwax.co.uk/ear-wax-removal-near-me/bristol/
Promote good ear health
It is not possible to restore hearing once it has been lost. The majority of patients with hearing loss require surgery or audiological aids. The good news is that it is 100% preventable. People should use headphones or earbuds at no more than 60% of their maximum volume for no more than 60 minutes.
Wearing earplugs, noise-cancelling headphones, or noise-blocking headphones can help protect your ears when you are participating in loud activities, like sporting events, concerts, shooting sports or lawn mowing.
Cleaning your ears properly is another way to avoid hearing damage and loss. It is recommended to clean the external ear using a soft cloth. Some drops of baby oil or commercial drops into the ear will assist in softening the wax, and allowing it to drain.