The influence of color on social media marketing strategy

The power of the image indisputably triumphs in social networks. Not surprisingly, 92.6% of buying decisions are made based on visual factors.

It is therefore not surprising that the visual component is increasingly present in social networks. It is a way to capture the attention of the target audience and favor retention of the message. 65% of users we learn based on visual information.

The presence of visual elements in social networks is increasingly evident. Companies seeking to develop their online presence effectively 2.0 bet on the power of the image, in order to promote engagement, the results are quantitatively demonstrable. On Facebook, the photos recorded up to 104% more comments, and 53% more Likes than other publications. In the case of Twitter, a tweet that includes an image you can get up to 150% RT over the rest.

The influence of color on social media marketing strategyThe visual component that most influences our perception is the color. For 85% of consumers, it is their main reason for buying, when deciding on a product. This is the essential component in highlighting the brand, as it increases its recognition by up to 80%. It also promotes reading and assimilation of ads by up to 42% compared to the designs in black and white.

Consequently, it is important to know their properties and know how to apply in our communication strategy. There are many attributes to consider when selecting a predominant color in our message. There are notable differences depending on the country of origin of our target audience, gender, or age.

For example, the color preferred by 40% of world population is blue. Instead, as alternatives we find that in the United States chosen as second candidate green, while in Portugal it is white.

If we consider the gender of the recipient of the message, we can see that for more than half of men (57%) their favorite color is blue; in matching the 35% of women. Meanwhile, a quarter of the women (23%) opt for the lilac, while 9% of men prefer black. Also, both agree in their predilection for green (14%).

In terms of age, there are also notable differences. Thus, among young people under 18, the boys prefer the green, while girls choose lilac. Before the age of 25, the women opt for green, while they combine their penchant for green with blue. However, to reach 25, both genders are betting on blue. During middle age, after 70 years, they prefer the red, while they split their preferences between red and blue.

The choice for one color or another, may also condition the reaction of users in Social Media. Thus, images with some reddish or orange recorded 2 times more pins than those where the blue predominated. In contrast, blue is the predominant color in Instagram, capable of generating up to 24% more Likes than those with warm tones.

This does not necessarily imply that there should be a dominant color, but a matter of adapting the choice of image to each platform 2.0. While in Instagram those images where a single color highlights get a 17% response in the explosion of colors Pinterest generates up 3.25 more pins than the rest of snapshots, which overlooks a main tone.

We cannot ignore either the psychology of color. This shows that, for example, red permeating force and character, it is preferred to color the offers. Meanwhile, black is the color of luxury, refinement and elegance, or green color of nature and commitment to these values. If we go to a female audience, we can choose the pink, with a strong romantic and sensual character; while orange is the color of joy and happiness, that hardly goes unnoticed, getting direct our attention.

Definitely it produces color sensations, which we attribute to the image that accompanies it. A quality that we know and know how to make our actions in Social Media, in order to capture the attention of the target audience and encourage engagement with the brand and its message.

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