Much is said about “ Engagement “, which could be translated as “customer loyalty” or “commitment marketing”. But do we know what it is?
We refer to the term Engagement, when we talk about these social links with the consumer, directing and focusing on him, so that he feels invited to participate in everything related to our brand.
In other words, what we are really getting is that the consumer is someone who helps to consolidate and reinforce the marketing strategy, and who feels so loyal and committed to the brand itself, that we get a strong and lasting relationship.
Although it seems simple, provoking this in the consumer is not easy and, above all, given the high competition and dynamism of social networks, it will be more difficult, but not impossible. From IMF Business School we offer 10 keys and tips to get it:
- The first thing that we have to be clear, is that maintaining a good reputation and activity in our RRSS entails time and effort.
- We must never lower our guard, we must pamper them (and pamper our followers). Respond to your inquiries, always return feedback .
- To provoke conversations and opinions of our consumers , who feel part of the project, part of our brand.
- Keep all our social networks up to date and well defined. If there is no movement, and it becomes monotonous, we will not be able to get that Engagement.
- Get loyal consumers of the brand , which serve as a “hook” to attract other potential consumers.
- Reward loyal fans for their commitment, it is very important that they feel the importance of their presence for our brand.
- Investigate and analyze the competition , to detect possible better or find elements that can be benefits for us.
- It is very important to respond to negative comments or responses , they should never be deleted, nor should we enter into discussions , but we must always return feedback . In addition, a negative comment, can always help us to detect problems and improve them.
- Generate content for the client , not for us.
- It is more important to generate brand Engagement . If our mission focuses only on recruiting fans and fans, even if we have a million fans, if there is no such commitment, that loyalty will not serve. It is better that those who we have feel committed, loyal and “part of us.”
And now, it only remains to apply these guidelines, and little by little we will get this Engagement so sought after in social networks.