Social networks provide brands a unique opportunity to come into direct contact with users and consumers, which is why these communication channels must be managed properly to fulfill their function within the digital marketing strategy.
When not properly planned the brand presence on social networks, it is common to make mistakes in managing social profiles. Despite all this time, companies have grown and matured, learning to cope better in this type of media, many others still continue commendation frequent errors and quite common.
Therefore, to better reveal some of these errors. 10 faults that often make companies and brands in social media management, so that you know so we can remedy in order to avoid them.
1. Do not set goals or define them clearly.
Probably the most serious of all errors in social media is not knowing why we’re there. When the mark has no clear objectives in social networks or even worse, no goals, all efforts are useless, because a particular achievement is not pursued.
2. Failure to properly select appropriate brand for social networks.
Not all social networks apply to all brands. Not all brands produce the type and frequency of content requiring all social networks, therefore not all fit in your social media strategy. It is important that the brand can analyze in which networks have a presence properly, depending on the amount and type of users, features information consumed in each and willingness to generate this kind of content.
3. Do not design a digital communication strategy.
Communication strategy outlines the guidelines to the mark on how to interact with his followers in that tone talk, what topics are of interest to our communities and as every social network which should be the format and the appropriate frequency to share this content that public brand .
4. timely update social profiles.
Not only the content is important, the frequency with which such content is published as well. So bad is a brand that continues to speak as one who never speaks. You need to find the point of equilibrium in which the attention of followers without the invasive mark is displayed and saturate both must avoid overexposure as the sub exposure is maintained.
5. Do not hire the right talent to manage brand communication.
Social networks are not a fad, according to Nielsen, 53% of users prefer to issue your complaint to a mark in this way while 65% use social media to learn about a company. Clearly, social media has relevance in communication with consumers and why not everyone can manage a fan page on Facebook or a Twitter account, you need to hire the right personnel for this work. The community manager must not only know of effective tools, you must have training in communication and a number of qualities that are essential for the tasks performed.
6. Do not focus on the consumer.
Users do not want to be a wall of publications of brands, they want to converse, interact and receive them useful information that goes beyond the sale. Traditional media catered to saturate consumers and brands must separate what they want to communicate what is relevant to those who follow them. Social networks are an excellent channel of feedback on what users say about our products and services, it is important that the brand listen and take that information.
7. Do not link actions of social media with other digital media.
Digital marketing is much more than social media, many companies make the mistake of designing actions for social networks forgetting that there are other digital channels reporting the same benefits in terms of audience and attention. A digital strategy that includes multiple channels help to achieve online brand reputation and achieve greater reach on the Internet.
8. Do not measure or monitor.
Measurement and monitoring social media is essential to meet our audience and how is responding to the communication strategy. It is essential to identify the correct variables in each of the social networks where we are and know what data we provide monitoring tools on our communities measurement.
9. Do not invest properly.
The belief that the Internet is “cheap or free” is false. Certainly the digital medium is in many ways more efficient than traditional media and that makes it not cheaper, but more effective. If brands want to leverage the online channel must invest adequately in, otherwise efforts will be half and will not have a mediocre presence with isolated actions that do not meet any goal.
10. Being online with offline viewing.
Even after it was proved that social networks are a different communication channel, many brands are making the mistake of thinking design strategies based on offline media. Twitter is not Facebook is no TV and press; brands need to understand the nature of social media and communication guide based on the characteristics of each medium in which it is to have a presence.
Digital media offer many advantages for brands to build a communication channel between them and their consumers, but must be planned based on a strategy and avoid improvisation.