SEO and Social Media, a couple of convenience

Long is the legend that drags SEO behind his back. An outlaw that in the vast territory of Google helped the websites of companies to get certain privileges, which made them be above their peers. Many have been the sherifs, better known as algorithms, who put things difficult and have made him change his way of acting, but he has always known how to adapt.

Currently things are not looking so good for this cowboy; the last sherif was especially hard; The feared Penguin drastically altered the rules of the game, imposing a harsh sentence for those websites that do not follow their indications: now the feared exile looms over those websites that do not abide by its rules.

Our friend has always acted alone, but the new circumstances have forced him to seek reinforcements to continue this fight to conquer Google. He has had the luck of finding an adventurous companion, this is Social Media, another outlaw who lives outside the Google Law, tracing his own destiny. She has formed her own county, a habitat where no one is above anyone, all members work in communities and harmony reigns. Here all the users are equal, they have the same possibilities of reaching their goal; reputation, that prestige that will give companies the necessary relevance to influence users.

Hand in hand with SEO and Social Media has given way to Social SEO, where efforts are combined to conquer a new territory, located at the heart of the consumer. It is the new status of the formerly known as SEO, where the only important thing is not to go after the number one in the main search engine, but also to extend the area of ​​influence of the brand to all corners: social networks, forums, blogs. ..

Now the main objective has been to create a positive attitude towards the brand. The consumer has developed his social facet, is fully active in the search for information and likes to take sides; so it is directly involved, is not content to assume in the first instance what the brands want to say, but questions and even prefers to opt for alternative sources of information.

In addition to traditional search engine optimization techniques, get a favorable comment towards the brand, generate activity in social networks and ultimately, take the word of mouth is the main trend.

This newly created couple of SEO and Social Media knows how to work hand in hand, and get your brand to make its mark in the new social landscape. You can already see them arrive, riding together towards the horizon.

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