In haute couture, fashion designers boast and try to shine with their own light every detail that speaks of their brand.
All his clothes are carefully presented in multitudinous and millionaire parades, shown by the Top Model and best paid in the world. Some firms even select buyers who can wear their seasonal clothing, it is like the Ferrari brand itself that chooses the lucky millionaires who can access their latest models for sale.
The haute couture showrooms are cared for down to the smallest detail, so much so that when you walk in you feel like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman or George Clooney at a Nesspreso store. It takes care with suspicion the image of dependents, shop windows, sample, arrangement of colors, etc. Nothing escapes chance in an environment as accessible as a Showroom.
But we come to the virtual world. Here many signatures, not too long ago also said, they have put to work and have commissioned their websites to good design agencies. So far right, it has been spent in many cases not believe in online channels to make large web investments.
And up to this point more or less, with better or less success have come the great international haute couture to the virtual world.
From here, almost all have begun their journey in the social environment. In the vast majority of cases, strategies are very but very few.
Just remember the crisis that generated this video of Loewe on the net:
On this video everything is already said and it is of more relapse in the easy joke, but surely it will get you a smile.
Looking at these kinds of actions, it is evident that social and action campaigns in the network are out of control, or controlled in a bad way by the corresponding departments or contracted agencies.
I’m sure that advertisers and marketing executives working for a firm like Loewe will not be low-budget. We’re talking about big advertising agencies. Agencies advertising that many years ago made good publicity and today the bull of the new publicity has caught them as he takes the heifer of your town to the clueless drunk in the square that 30 years ago was a bullfighter. Many large marketing and advertising agencies are still living on rents for too long.
Confidence in the best advertising and marketing media today does not guarantee success on the net.
Therefore, we know that the launch of a campaign must be carried out by real professionals from the online environment, and I emphasize that Online Marketing Professional and hire the Best Advertising Agency to date today in their vast majority of occasions do not usually go hand in hand . In fact, the closest thing to reality is that those managers who today run the campaigns in the best advertising agencies are the friends of the Loewe ad who have been asked to make their friends a “super special thing that is not Had happened to anyone before “
But before arriving at a campaign preparation and launch there are a few online factors that these firms have not watched. They manage their web and social campaigns with greater or less success. However, their presence and reputation on the network has no control whatsoever.
I would like to make a mention or a slight study on the firm Hugo Boss, which has attracted my attention and serves me as a perfect example.
Doing a search in google of the textile manufacturer and luxury brand where they have them and that sure all we relate thus; In the first pages of the search engine what is most repeated and powerfully called attention is the relationship or origins of Hugo Boss with Hitler and Nazi Germany.
I will not enter into political issues, nor seek to do damage to the mark … they alone do perfectly well to harm. What is clear that the most important thing when the public is looking for you on the internet is that, a list of negative comments, very negative …. causes bad image brand.
It is not emphasizing the quality of your product, your signature. It is prevailing and leaving hardly any visibility to your points of reinforcement and differentiation. But it is that these negative points, in this particular case, are so overwhelming that you are advertising free to your direct competitors. It is very possible that many people after reading this kind of information stop buying Hugo Boss, and move to the off line, where more people will stop doing the same.
It is evident that the truth can not be hidden and can not be masked or deceived. But you can fight with a perfect online marketing strategy.
A brand like Hugo Boss, who has been a leader in the high-end textile market for so many years, is not only fortunate or has been committing crimes for more than half a century. There are many qualities in the firm Hugo Boss, and there are many other actions that Hugo Boss does and have no positive impact. Ultimately, it is a question of confronting good with evil, and making good prevail. Nobody will be able to say that the public is deceived, but we have to convince the public that this is past, and that it is the own followers of our mark that defend us against possible attacks that then only will come from the competitors.
If there is something proven is that customers or potential buyers do not like the easy charge of one brand against another. We all know that the direct negative campaign is counterproductive, since it usually turns against oneself.
But for that to happen, for our client to feel part of our identity, we have to organize an online marketing campaign that leaves no room for doubt. A strategy that makes them feel identified and not deceived.
Do not tell me it’s no wonder a haute couture brand that takes care of all its details in an obsessive way, have the doors of your online garbage loft wide open and inviting friends and enemies to sneak in and break from your precious And care to the very foundations of this industry.