Mobile Strategy: The Famous 1% Investment

Although investment in marketing and advertising has grown 67.4% in 2011, the lack of recognition by agencies, media and advertisers prevents investment levels from being even higher and, in keeping with the audience and the effectiveness of the medium.

According to the latest study published by MMA, investment in the mobile medium was 63.6 million dollars in during 2011. Although the sector forecasts for 2013 are optimistic with an average growth of 61.99%, we want to know the opinion of The big players in the market.

Michel Botella, Director General of Vivaki tells us that “it is clear that both the technology and the use we make of it, is well ahead of the advertising investment we make in the mobile medium. Despite this, the investment in Mobile Marketing has not stopped growing in recent years and will continue to do so because mobility is part of our lives, our culture, to the point of changing our habits of life, and this, not Should go unnoticed for our businesses and our brands.

The Agencies, for our part, have the job of continuing to prescribe, analyzing, studying and integrating the mobile medium in the media mix when working on the strategies of our clients, as long as their integration helps to achieve its final goal. We can not allow a client or potential client to access information about our products or services and we have not adapted this content to the mobile. ”

Raúl de la Cruz, Sales Director of Microsoft Advertising, believes that: “Mobile devices are part of our day-to-day life and companies know they have to hurry to adapt their content in the best possible way to be able to Reach your audience in a positive and profitable way, as they did with other media before.

Mobile marketing is relatively young, it is the great unknown advertising, and hence we have not seen large investment figures yet, but there is one thing indisputable, it will be very soon and will overcome traditional media sooner than not Michel Botella and Raúl de la Cruz participate in the discussion forum: Mobile Strategy: The famous 1% investment, which will take place during the third edition of the National Congress of Mobile Marketing and Advertising, on December 12, 2012 in Madrid, along with Rafael Torres, Director of Negotiation and Operations of Havas Media, José Antonio Lombardía, Director General Marketing, Product and Customer Relations at Banesto and José Antonio Martínez Aguilar, Director of Agencies at Google.


As for the main barriers to investing in the mobile medium, Raúl de la Cruz explains that it is a “lack of support as an advertising medium, the lack of audacity to get out of the traditional media plans. The brands lack content adapted to the mobile terminal, this means new investments in developments and advertising formats that in the times that some Brands can not face. Lack of unification and regulation of a single measurement system. ”

“The main barriers that we find from the media agency are two: content not adapted to the medium by our customers and secondly, the methodology of audience measurement and the lack of consensus among standards, coupled with the complexity of the ecosystem . We need reliable methodologies to understand the behavior of the public and the effectiveness of the advertisement in the mobile environment, “says Botella.


As far as advertising formats with greater projection of future, Michel Botella indicates that: “Without a doubt, all the formats and actions that include the geolocation. Formats that allow us to search, buy, compare and take advantage of offers and opportunities in the environment in which we are in each moment. I consider that it is the greatest benefit and differentiation that this medium offers us unlike the rest.

For his part, Raúl de la Cruz believes that within mobile marketing, the formats and actions with more future from the point of view of increased advertising investment, will be those located in the contents and applications of mobile devices, due to the high Marks need to adapt their content to such devices due to the large audience growth they are experiencing. Behind these will have in turn great prominence the couponing and the display in General.

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