Schools and teachers know that good communication is the best way to foster improved parental engagement. The easiest way to achieve this in the digital age is through your website. It’s not enough to choose a basic template and add some contact details, you need an engaging, informative, and user-friendly website design.
Instead of posting links to documents or other sites, place that information on your site. The simpler it is for parents to access the information they require, the happier they will be, and you’ll likely see fewer queries coming through to the school office. This makes your website a vital information hub and not just a gateway or portal to somewhere else. Be the end destination and not a stop on a user’s journey! For advice on Primary School Websites, contact FSE Design, a provider of Primary School Websites.
If you genuinely want to encourage engagement, let your parents know that you care what they think and value their feedback. Your site could offer surveys, suggestion boxes, and contact forms to make sharing ideas, opinions, and questions a speedy and fluid process.
A further helpful way to engage parents is to provide information on all staff members, including their contact details. This encourages transparency and approachability, making it straightforward for parents to contact the best staff member for their queries.
You’ll want to regularly update your website to include news, important dates, fundraisers, and sporting events. This information can also be sent in a weekly email which is a great way to strengthen bonds and foster engagement.