The Taboo of Social Media: 5 Expressions to Avoid

As in Tabu, the well-known board game where participants had to make their team guess a word avoiding the use of a list of words considered prohibited, or “taboo”, also in Social Media there are terms and expressions that should not Used, because it causes a feeling of rejection among users, which can cause you to lose the game. 

That is not going to be possible

No one likes being denied anything, and customers even less. Nor is it a question of granting them all their requests, since it is not always viable. Instead, customers expect you to be willing to serve them, to make them see that you care and care about them. In short, tell them: “We are here, what can we do to help you?” 

That is out of our reach

The mark can not be disregarded before the requests of its audience. When they approach the company, users want a useful and effective response, that the brand assumes its responsibility and attends to your request. Faced with this situation, the most effective is to say: “We will do everything possible to solve your problem.” 

We are the best

That will remain to be seen. It’s not about inflating your ego by talking about how good you are. But demonstrate your worth and know how to do with demonstrable facts. That waste of supremacy does not convince the audience, but makes them suspicious. In its case, the most appropriate would be: “Our long track record endorses the know-how of our company” and support this theory with recommendations from other users. 

The competition has nothing to do with us

Such derogatory remarks to the audience, in the form of gratuitous and baseless attacks, only undermine the credibility of the brand. The company must offer the best of itself and, although it is advisable to follow the competition closely, it is about knowing their movements and learning, both their mistakes and their successes; In any case to attack against it or discredit it. What is appropriate is to demonstrate the advantages of having your brand and recognize the right of customers to compare and choose that brand or product that best suits their interests. 

This offer is reserved for our most special clients.

Are not all customers special? In no case make your client understand that it means nothing to you, that you consider it as second class, that you are almost doing him a favor by serving you. Every customer deserves respect, that you consider him and make him feel important. Mention aside it deserves the fact that there are customers who are more loyal to the brand, or who require your services more frequently, so it is advisable that you have a special treatment with them. In this case, the challenge is to retain the loyalty of potential clients, so that they become “VIP clients”. 

What other experiences would you mark as “taboo” in Social Media?

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