In order to develop an effective strategy in Social Media it is vital to know your audience, with the definition of specific actions for your audience. On the other hand, to improve the reputation of your brand, it is always good to have some other “godfather”, have the support of experts in the field, or have faithful advocates of the brand. These important figures do not usually come alone, but they need to be identified and contacted, to gain their support and trust.
A very useful way to find and select these “brand angels” is to monitor, dive in the middle of your search. However, monitoring is a complex task, it is not a sector where there is a magic wand, A unique tool that allows you to track the 2.0 world wide and wide; But you are faced with a wide variety of tools and possibilities, each with its own characteristics and advantages, whose use you can combine to provide you with the data you are looking for.
In order to differentiate between this great mass, the first thing is to be clear what you are looking for:
- If it is brand advocates for your brand, those active users in social networks that could show interest in your product, which will be the target audience of your next action in social networks.
- Or instead you are looking for an expert, with whom you will speak directly to raise the possibility of talking about your products in your blog.
- Maybe your goal is focused on getting potential followers to increase your community, profiles related to your sector, whose characteristics and needs correspond to those of your target.
Each of these profiles has a very different behavior in Social Media, as well as different needs and interests. To develop effective monitoring it is necessary to extract the terms that characterize each of these groups, separately. Start with the keywords that determine the sector, in addition to those of your brand and product, along with those of the competition. Once these keywords are established, you can do an initial search, to get the first results, which will probably be very numerous.
From here you have to practice your skill to separate the dust from the straw and go polishing this list, until you extract those really interesting contacts. Look again, this time focusing on actions or expressions that could be used by your audience. Use those phrases that are commonly used in your sector.
Resets search terms, including location targeting, language, number of followers, account age, profile activity, or whether it is public or private. Suggestions and related Twitter profiles can also be very helpful. Do not forget to use the lists, which offer a rating made by other users, which usually include profiles of contrasted value.
Another factor to take into account when it comes to finding influencers may be its credibility, or the index of importance conferred by some rankings such as Klout or MozRank, among others.
Spam or irreverent comments are one of the main drawbacks that cause a lot of noise and pollute your search results. To avoid them, it will be very useful to make a list of terms to exclude. Spend some time developing this list, because in the long run you will avoid much work.
There are also other very interesting variables to take into account, such as the type of page, for example may be the case of blogs or news sites; Very useful when it comes to finding experts.
The key is to show patience, conduct an exhaustive search, thoroughly review the results and extract the profiles of your interest. It establishes priorities, and makes classifications of potential profiles to take into account in later revisions. This way you can be more effective and get valid results with a certain speed. Spend some time developing this list, because in the long run you will avoid much work. There are also other very interesting variables to take into account, such as the type of page, for example may be the case of blogs or news sites; Very useful when it comes to finding experts.