Four Things That Indicate you Need a New Roof

The summer is the best time to resolve any problems that you have with your roof. If you have been experiencing issues with your roof, then the dry and warm weather is the time to get it sorted. If you are unsure what the problem is with your roof, then first of all you need to get a professional like this roofers Bristol based company to come and inspect it.

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If you need a new roof, these are some of the things that they will be looking for…

The Age of the Roof – As the roof ages they generally start to experience wear and tear. Generally, a roof that is over 25 years old will be in need of repairs or replacing completely.

Missing Tiles – When tiles are missing from the roof, then the underlying structure is open to the elements and is exposed to becoming more damaged. Missing tiles should be replaced as soon as possible.

Cracks and Holes in the Roof – This is a clear sign that there is a problem with the roof. Once the roof has this sort of damage, then water and other things will be able to get into the roof which then will cause further damage.

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Internal Issues – The roofer will also likely want to have a look in the loft of the house too as they will be able to look for signs of damage from here, such as damp areas.

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