Making a comparison with people, organizations have their own personality. This leads us to think that being endowed with this quality, their behaviors and attitudes will be determined by the values established by said personality. That personality is forged over time, experience, human resources and, above all, with the level of talent possessed by the organization itself.
In this topic we will not have to spend much time to assess the importance of talent in organizations to achieve their objectives. Yes, I would like, however, that we could take into account premises that I believe have ceased to be valid today.
- Collective talent is the result of the sum of individual talent
- The job from rrhh is to collect individual talent, the more individual talent the better for the company
- The collective talent must be formed from the individual talent that we possess
- Any individual talent is valid for our collective talent
- Talent is measured in quantity
- Our company does not have any talent
- The appropriate selection processes only have to do with the profession of the position to be filled
- If we get talented workers, we will have a talented organization
In short, axioms that today and in the environments in which organizations operate are becoming obsolete.
I understand collective talent as what organizations know how to do and that they know how to do well. As the attitudes that lead them to exploit business opportunities. As the learning and unlearning capacity of the company and especially as the skills it has to accept and manage change to improve results and with minimal trauma for the company. All that is the collective talent.
Needless to say, the organizations with a suitable collective talent are the companies that we call competitive, which can face the markets and reach the objectives that are set, without talent there is no chance of success. Sometimes, the causes of business failures are found in the absence of talent to do what you want or have an inadequate talent for the mission sought by the company. We are wrong when we diagnose erroneous actions to justify those failures, that is the symptoms, the real illness is in the dysfunction in the collective talent of the organization, that is where decisions must be made for the solution.
Said all the above to you, what interests you as responsible for your organization, is that you must do to know if your company has a suitable collective talent, no ?. Well, let’s start from the basis that your company is still alive, because it has some kind of collective talent, but if you do not mind, make the following reflections and answer honestly:
- What are we doing in the market
- What we are doing is of value to the client, it is profitable for the company
- We have varied the ways of solving problems to customers in the last 5 years (business model)
- We are doing well (according to customers, according to shareholders)
- We would be able to do better and we did not try
- We achieve the objectives that we propose
- The objectives are clear all the components of the company
- These objectives respond to a general objective
- My employees are adequate for what we know how to do
- We look for employees and we train them in relation to what we know how to do well regardless of what they show us they know how to do
- My clients see us as a company that we know how to solve their problems
- We have more and more customers and come back to find us as a solution to their problems
- We are a company that does not stand out in anything in the “class” that I share with my competitors
- We learn from what happens to us and condition what our clients tell us
- We have established financial economic structures according to the circumstances
- We produce the same as always
- We are driven by innovation as a consequence of learning
- We accept the change naturally and without traumas
- Evolve my organization and we are able to do different things
- When he talks to the most senior employees in the company, he often comments on how this has changed
- I can be surprised by my clients in their demands
- We have the ability to unlearn things that once were in force, and gave us success, but now they are not valid
- We improvise with great assiduity why we do not have anything written, planned, nor standardized
- Your company is more competitive than a year ago
We could deepen in each of the questions, but if you bounce soon, answer many of them, NO !, it is likely that your organization has certain shortcomings in collective talent and probably you have already noticed in your profit account. Do not resign yourself, there is still time to start a collective talent creation process, but start now!
With the comments so far, we must think that in the near future and with the aim of being more competitive, organizations must take on a series of challenges that I believe we could enunciate:
- Establish what kind of collective talent we are going to develop
- Adapt our talent to the demands of the markets
- Enhance the relevant aspects and added value of our talent, ensure that our shortcomings do not negatively affect
- To be able to show us, to transfer our capacity of solutions for our clients and that they perceive it in the same sense that we proceed
- We dedicate enough time and resources for our talent to develop
- Our talent is adapted to the needs of the company and customers
- Achieve overlap our collective talent with the needs and problems posed by customers
- That our talent foster better relationships with stakeholders and align their behaviors with ours, align collective talents
- Our collective talent will ultimately be shown to be useful to the community where they develop their activities
- Possess the organizational capacity to redirect all individual talent towards the empowerment of collective talent
- We must dismember in parts our collective talent, take it to process-sequence format
- Periodically review the status and adequacy of our collective talent
- Entrepreneurs in their business plans or business plans have to decide what kind of collective talent they will create or encourage to be competitive
The individual talent of people has ceased to be a priority for organizations, to the extent that it does not add value to collective talent. They do not exist or rather, the organization can not allow the existence of essential individual talents. The interest for the individual talent from the organizations has died, in order to promote the collective talent. Each person has a destination and a company where they can better develop their functions in relation to their characteristics, each company will need a different type of individual talent, to generate value and increase collective talent. At present, the aim is to standardize individual talent through training, through the great management gurus, so that most people possess the same type of talent, in the selection processes,
Finally dear reader, in your company you must create, encourage, empower, project and internalize the workers, as well as evaluate and communicate it. With all this you will have the base for a competitive organization, so simple, so complex.