Relationships are one of the elements that have moved the business world since time immemorial possibly. Then you know someone or I know that other have always served to establish business relationships and to reach agreements and close coalitions. Well, who has not read any nineteenth -century novel at some time when marriages were closed to strengthen relations in the business world?
The importance of relating to others in the business world has always been so important, but today has been somewhat democratized. No need to be linked forever with all those characters in the world of business (or take such drastic decisions such as novels XIX) to establish relationships: now it has gained strength networking, the practice of promoting informal relationships between each other and establishes ties in the business world.
Make good networking can be key to the win, but do networking is not easy. Interacting with others is not easy and much less when what we want is to establish fruitful boat soon work or business relations. What it fails when trying to network? Often he accuses the personality of little success, another to events that are too crowded, but the fact is that in the world of networking there are certain mistakes that are repeated iteratively and mark why many fail to when establishing such relationships. An article of FastCompany has identified.
Believe that you have to make networking as does everyone
When you think of networking just always thinking about the same kind of events and contents: Informal meetings in which people try to know but that if you do not know anyone just, as noted by the author of the FastCompany, spinning around the table canapes feeling that it is failing. The truth is that although the cliché about what is or is not doing networking is usually associated with such events and most activities for networking are those, no one is obliged to have to suffer this type of event.
Each person has to find the type of networking events and actions that best fit your personality and focus on them. We must be honest with yourself and study how the personality of each one to find out what events are going to fit better, because not everyone has the same personality and not everyone is able to get to talk to boat soon with a bunch of strangers.
In addition to self-knowledge, we must consider what is really expected of these networking events and budget you want to spend (there is no point spending a fortune going to fairs prohibitively entries if they do not fit with what you want to do) to know where to go.
Relations mistreating one-to-one
One of the most important elements of networking is not to be seen with the handful of right people but to establish fruitful relationships with real people right. To this we must strengthen what in English are known as relationships one-to-one, that is, face to face relationships. And do not just involve exchanging contacts on LinkedIn, giving someone a card or exchange mails: we must establish deeper and more fluid relations.
I do not seem easy, but FastCompany advised to do things like introduce these new contacts with others who might find useful or interesting or maintain a smooth relationship in social networks (eg, taking advantage when they share their own content to thank) as a way to make those relationships are much more direct and close.
Not being aware of the value of each of ourselves
This is not to be swayed by what the popular wisdom considers it not have grandmother, but the truth is that when it comes to network important is to relate to others as having, so to speak, a good relationship with oneself . It is very important to remember what the strengths of each are and not forget what our talents and our interests are, as these are the values that we share with others and, therefore, crucial elements to develop their own, so to speak, brand image, which will draw the attention of others.
The key recommendation in this kind of points is to focus on one element in a discipline, and try to be the best they can on it.
Being somewhat diffuse and confused about what is expected or required
A networking events you should go with a clear objective and concrete and specific purposes. And if you go with such a view, the same must happen with how expresses one or addresses how the partners. It is not assault them with requests, but be sufficiently specific and precise enough to let others know that is exactly what they are looking for and therefore can respond to it.
No ‘go kill’
Perhaps this is the point of the mistakes that sets out FastCompany seems more straightforward or may make you feel a more violent when it comes to network, but the truth is that seen objectively is one of the most logical of all. Friends tend to grow organically, they remind us, as they get to know throughout life and these are in turn presenting to other friends. This reality that works so well in the personal part of everyday life cannot be applied when it comes to the professional part of everyday life. When what you want is to network, you cannot expect connections appear naturally. You have to force them or, what is the same, we must be clear what will and do whatever it takes to bear fruit.
Study the lists of attendees, seek common ground, creating calendars previous meetings or enhance these meetings are, in his recommendations, some of the ideas that can be applied to get the most out of networking events.