The new role of consumer

To say that the world has changed more in the last five years than in the previous 50 is no longer any frivolity. This paradigm shift has meant a significant change in consumer role that takes all power over brands.

Today is not enough to say the right thing to convince consumers about the social commitment of a company. Leading companies build their reputation through actions, not just words. CSR is often used as a qualitative leap in many companies to re-align with new and emerging ideals that society demands. However, say the right thing is not enough and some companies have simply used as a marketing tool. Today, consumers and the general public demand actions and not words, and this makes it a much more fluid conversation between brands and the general public is necessary.

The new role of consumerA few years ago some brands already understood that things were changing. Procetr & Gamble is a good xample of it. Some years ago a campaign focused wash cold for Ariel detergent, against the backdrop of “help save the planet” by saving energy.

But the population seeks greater commitment to sustainability and brands.According Meaningful Brands Index 2013, published by Havas Media, 71% of the 134,000 respondents said it expects companies to commit to “actively participate in solving important environmental and social problems.” The same report follows an important fact, the majority of consumers would not care to disappear 73% of the marks, while only 20% of them contribute significantly to improving the quality of life form.

The truth is that consumers want a real change of attitude on brands, even if they are not willing to pay more for it. If Nike can make us vibrate with the sport, why should not link that with nature and make us enjoy the sport abroad. No doubt they are concepts that must be directly linked.

On the other hand, the role of active consumers is not only to participate in the dialogue. Today and people can be both producer and consumer. It sounds strange, but here the excellent example of the Patagonia brand may be just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to reverse consumption. We know that they have already reached homes 3D printers, this means we can become producers of our own products. For some time this part, the new economic situation in our country has revived second-hand market of all kinds of goods. Today buying becomes more rational.

Finally, evolution requires fresh ideas, and so companies have learned to listen to the public and co-create have a competitive advantage. Lego Mindstorms and DesignByMe launched its kits, which allow users to create their own designs and toys. However, according to a recent study by IBM, although 63% of the CEO considers the co-creation as a key factor for success, less than 5% can manage these processes.

We are very close to a year and it’s time to make new resolutions for the next. This is a process that involves a reflection in order to learn well the past. Will the marks learning the lesson?

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