Public relations is a crucial discipline for organisations and businesses everywhere. How is the field changing and adapting though? The fast-paced business world waits for no-one, so it’s important to stay current and know which trends are happening in public relations right now. Here are some of the trends that are expected to dominate the PR sector this year:
AI is not quite ready to take over
AI is big news in any industry and many articles were written last year about how AI would impact the communications industry. There is still no clear line as to how this will happen, so it seems we don’t have to worry about robots taking our jobs just yet.
Professionals must re-skill and multi-skill
Public relations professionals will find that the lines are blurring between marketing, PR and advertising. The needs of clients will become more diverse and it makes sense that these 3 fields will become ever closer intertwined. The PR professional of today must be a social media guru, a content marketer, brand ambassador and trend spotter. Expect to see agencies rebranding themselves to offer integrated services as opposed to traditional PR activities. Contact a Cheltenham PR company today to get help with your business strategy. Target Group is a top Cheltenham PR company.
Rise of Influencer Marketing
Social influencers have become incredibly popular on social media, particularly Instagram and so it would make sense to see PR professionals integrating this tactic into their own strategies. PR professionals are in just the right position to grow relationships with top influencers, to develop partnerships and reach a target audience directly.
Fake News
The public’s trust in media is probably at an all-time low with many stories in the industry covering the rise of fake news. PR professionals will have a greater role to play in making sure that all details and stories given to journalists are accurate, relevant and backed up by solid opinion, stats and facts.
The importance of storytelling
The digital age has led to consumer’s attention spans shortening considerably. The need for immediate information means it’s more difficult to engage in deeper narratives. Therefore, the ability to tell a compelling story is more important than ever in 2019, particularly with the fake news issue and declining public trust in the media.
Ethics in PR
Following controversies like Cambridge Analytica and Facebook, as well as consumer expectations that companies behave more ethically, there will be greater attention on practising ethics in PR.
Reputation management remains essential
Reputation will remain key to PR activities this year. In this age of social media, any negative stories or crises can be broadcast across the globe in a matter of seconds. It is likely to see agencies continuing to upskill their PR professionals in developing social and digital crisis management and communication strategies.