71% of the buyers were unable to mention a secondary establishment where they make their purchases online in drugstore, perfumery and personal hygiene, according to the barometer study of the 2010 distribution of TNS.
This figure demonstrates a high level of fidelity towards the usual online establishment for these categories. This fidelity is not present in the traditional purchase, where 87% of the buyers declare to have more than one habitual establishment that travels looking for the best prices.
The purchase on the Internet has had a growing growth in recent years and more than 1 in 10 purchases of food, perfumery and drugstore in the online channel.
Lara Morón, responsible for the study in TNS comments on the matter, “with the arrival of the crisis we observed a change in the behavior of the habitual buyer, which increased the visits to different establishments in the search for the best price and / or offer. However, this trend does not appear in the online buyer who presents a high fidelity for its online establishment. These differences are due to the fact that the percentage of buyers of the online channel is still comparatively low, added to the fact that the number of shows that operate on the web is much lower than in the traditional channel. This makes online sales a potential strategic channel for customer loyalty. ”
A younger buyer and divided into sexes
The profile of who goes personally to buy the store and the one who does it through the web is totally different. We found that the Internet user buyer is younger than the traditional one with an average age of 42 years, while the traditional housewife has an average age of almost 10 years more. In addition there is no clear differentiation between sexes. While in-store purchases are made by women in 94% of cases, in online purchases men and women are equally distributed (50.4% and 49.6% respectively).
The delivery, the most valued aspect in the online purchase
For the online buyer the most valued attributes when choosing an online establishment are related to the delivery of the order and the status of the products delivered. The Internet buyer appreciates that the time slot is adapted to their needs (79% consider it important or very important), that the products arrive in good condition and punctuality in the delivery.
These aspects differ from the aspects valued and sought by the buyer who goes to the physical store, more related to the quality of the private label, the price of the assortment and the proximity.
1 The delivery times are adapted to my needs
2 Good quality of the fresh products
3 Convenience of the purchase
4 The delivered products are in good condition
5 The orders arrive in hour
6 It offers confidence
7 Agility in the resolution of incidents / claims
8 It is easy and simple to buy
9 Offer a wide and complete assortment
10 Meeting stock of the usual products
Ranking of aspects valued as important or very important in online shopping. Barometer of the 2010 distribution. TNS ™
Lara Morón comments on the matter: “We observed an interesting change of attitude in relation to aspects related to the distribution brand. While in traditional offline shopping the quality or breadth of the white label occupied the top positions as reasons for visiting the main establishment, the importance of the same among online shoppers is visibly lower, falling positions in the ranking.
There is in fact 9% of the respondents for whom self-comfort and time savings prevail and for this reason, this sector of society usually buys in the online channel and for the traditional purchase prefers the small and nearby establishment. “