Seth Godin has this to say about logos

Logos are literally everywhere – from the side of your cup of coffee on the go to the pen in your hand, the shoes on your feet and even on the side of the train you caught into work this morning. We see them and at some level, we register them and understand exactly what they mean. This process, which is called semiotics, is studied and pondered over by both academics and those working in marketing.

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Semiotics: the sign and the signified

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Semiotics is the study of the sign and what it signifies. Take a red rose as an example: what does it signify? Is it merely a flower, or does it also mean love, romance and St Valentine’s Day? What about the Nike logo? It is a swoosh sign but also signifies sporting prowess, training, commitment, working hard and pushing yourself.

Logo versus branding

You can have the slickest and fanciest logo around, but it is useless if it does not represent the story of the brand. Godin says that a logo is a shorthand for the customers’ expectations of the brand. If it is too complex, the brand gets lost. The key is to develop the brand alongside a simple yet immediately recognisable logo.

Understanding the story is not just down to the logo; in addition, it comes from strong and heavy branding. You can hire a branding agency Cheltenham, such as, to develop a logo for you. Together, you can find the right logo and then you can get to work on the strong branding that is the crux of any successful business.

Time spent and rewards reaped

Godin suggests that you should not pour too much time and energy into developing a logo in the first instance, which is why design agencies are worth their weight in gold. What Godin does suggest is that you get your logo and you stick with it. As your brand builds, the logo remains steadfast alongside it, becoming the shorthand for the story and reputation of your brand that your customers will instantly recognise.

Crucially, make sure your logo works in all media. From screens to print posters and even on company T-shirts, the logo must remain sharp and clean to be instantly recognisable.


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