Does Social Media really influence users and consumers?

Customers are already in Social Media, have appropriated this medium, where they interact with their friends and family, make new contacts, also with their favorite brands, from those who expect some kind of approach. 87% of users follow a brand on Facebook; the social networks are the ideal place where to interact and that the companies can take advantage to obtain faithful followers.

Why do customers follow brands in Social Media?

According to research carried out by Burst Media in the United States, almost half of women follow their favorite brands to be up to date with brand new developments; a similar percentage of the same population shares content with their family and friends and a third participate actively, both sharing opinions and comments, and interacting on the websites themselves. It emphasizes that the female population is more active in social networks; the study ranks women with children, women without children and men; being the two female groups that have greater protagonism in all the studied areas.

What are the most loyal followers?

Following a survey conducted by ClickFox, 57% of consumers profess greater loyalty to food and beverage brands , closely followed by suppliers of technology products and accessories. Other relevant sectors in this regard are health and personal care, along with wireless telecommunications.

How do consumers influence the opinions of others?

18% of social networking users would be willing to buy the products of a brand to which a friend remains in Social Media;is the result of the study published by Ipsos OTX together with Ipsos Global among the US population. In this position practically agreed both women and men (in the case of the male population, the answer was 17%); however, there is a notable difference if we look at the age range. According to the study, users younger than 35 years are more likely to take into account the opinions of their friends (23%), while adults over 50 years of age take less account of external references; only 9% attend to the suggestions of their environment in Social Media.

The users expect companies to live up to their expectations, to know how to match their loyalty. At the moment, customer service remains the pending issue. As recently reported by Brent Leary’s Social Commitment Index in collaboration with Social Media Today, only 1 in 4 companies makes a significant investment in this medium. Fortunately, more than 45% of the companies already recognize that they have implemented this service, only remains to optimize the results, so that customers feel truly taken care of by their brands.

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