Google Penguin: Robot portrait of the guardian of the SEO

Google gave a twist to their precious algorithm, staggering the rules of the game SEO. In its ongoing crusade to improve the quality of search results, Google Penguin is presented as an arch enemy of blackhat, over-optimization, the exchange of links and, in short, all malpractice surrounded by suspicion and dark sides. Now there will be no mercy for the smart guys. Because who sows winds, gathers storms.

Google always keeps you alert. It lets you be one more piece of your game board but its rules are not eternal. In the Google Gatherings from one day to the next the rules evolve making each game a real challenge for its participants. More than a month ago, the almighty Google announced a new change in its algorithm. The truth is that many of us have already lost the account among so many updates and improvements. As things go, after Google Panda 3.5 now our new friend responds to the name of Penguin, Google Penguin. Is he still unknown to you? I recommend that you start to partner with him and know him as your best friend because your SEO work will depend a lot on your good feeling.

Google Penguin is a bet of the King of Seekers to reward excellence and good practices by providing the user QUALITY search results. Who for saving time and effort decide to walk the path of cheating and deception by superimposing with a multitude of keywords the contents of its internal pages, making suspicious redirections or buying links, this nice Penguin will respond with penalties and statistics of visits to lie down to cry. So that none of these omens are fulfilled, I invite you to continue reading and discover what is behind this penguin that has revolutionized the web.

Portrait Google Penguin Robot: Anatomy of the New SEO

As always, in the universe of quality SEO optimization theGuidelines for Google Webmasters are a kind of Petete Fat Book that you do not have to leave. Learn your recommended practices as well as in your day you memorized the multiplication tables because they will be the source of inspiration for your search engine positioning work.

Without forgetting this premise, what features define Penguin? Is he as smart and vengeful as they paint him? Know it, understand it and show yourself always loyal. Your website will be pleasantly rewarded.

YOUNG:As I said before, Google Penguin barely has a month to live since the April 24 Mountain View guys launched this update around the world. His youth and freshness reinforces his invincible character pointing with his accusing finger all the spam and questionable practices that harm the navigation of the users.

HUMAN (or almost): Passionate about the social, Google’s new algorithm is the enemy of artifice. Defend naturalness in SEO, penalizing all those websites that leave aside the emotional coverage and do not respect the valued balance between metrics, links, SEO optimization and quality, that blessed treasure. Do not forget: Optimize your website thinking about people and answering their need to know.

WHITE HAT ADDICT:Confess, do you practice blackhat in your SEO? Well, you need to change habits. Below, I list all those behaviors that, if practiced, put your relationship with the penguin in jeopardy and seriously damage the results of your website.

  • Over-optimization of keywords in the contents of your website
  • Content lacking quality, unable to provide value, interest and emotion to the user
  • Duplicate content
  • Do you optimize in excess the anchor text of the links to link with internal pages of your website? Rectify this praxis or get ready for the scourge of Penguin. If, in addition, the anchor text of the links is random or does not have any relationship with the site, everything gets complicated. Know the anchor text for which your website is linked to Open Site Explorer and sleep tranquil @.
  • Hidden links, redirections without explanation, exchanges and purchase of links through private networks
  • Blocks suspected of “friendly web” links
  • Bold and underlined abuse in content optimization
  • Do you have purchased and redirected several domains with names related to the activity of your company? The danger lurks.
  • Force the slugs to repeat keywords within the Urls. Be natural and balanced.
  • Blogs in the retirement phase with just 2 posts published but with links to the main domain? Penguin, with its fine nose, will detect the trap quickly.
  • Spam in the comments
  • Penalty of the Doorway Page , even those that remain within the same domain
  • Do you know if your website is marked as Malware? Elements such as plugins and widgets are magnets that attract the introduction of Malware. Clear your doubts. Sign up for Google Webmaster Tools and check the Malicious Software option frequently to avoid surprises.

DEMANDING and DISCIPLINED: To bread, bread and wine, wine. Whoever is clear with Penguin, will have a lasting friendship. Otherwise you will get an unwanted punishment. If at any time you were a bad boy, discover yourself before Google. Collect all exchanges and purchases of links made, inform them of these actions and show your repentance. Then it’s time to work on the right path.

BALANCED SEO: Reflective and with a highly developed zen point, Penguin values ​​the work of web positioning in search engines designed for the benefit of the user and not the machines. The quality in SEO optimization, with constant content that establishes an emotional link with your audience and good links with diverse anchor texts is all you need. Forget about excess and seek balance.

FAIR PLAY FRIEND: Google Penguin understands that the competition is tough and numerous, but it is firm in one idea: the rules of the game must be the same for everyone. Without excuses. Without privileges Practice the Fair Play and, far from surprising you with a red card, referee Penguin will stand out among the best players of the game. It’s worth it, right?

OLD DOG: Do not kid yourself. Google Penguin may be a newcomer, but only someone as smart and bold as he can raise so much dust and rivers of ink. He is young but experienced because he has learned very well the lesson of his predecessors – Google Panda included – to identify good actions and penalize bad ones. So do not underestimate it because you can get angry and a lot.

HIGH TOLERANCE TO CHANGE: The updates, improvements and developments of Penguin should not surprise us and will surely surprise us with new demands. Its high power of influence will force you to always be aware so that, far from becoming your food, you become its ally.

CONSTANT AND DIRECT: Google values ​​perseverance and hard work not only for their own enjoyment but for the benefit of the community. For this reason, listen to your audience, know their tastes and analyze their steps, and often create content that responds to their interests, making your brand a reference for them and for your sector. Impact with direct and simple messages because remember: the time when users visited your website only at home or at work has changed drastically. Users are in motion, which forces us to adapt the browsing experience to the new era of the Internet.

EFFICIENT AND PREDICTIVE: In summary, Google Penguin aims to clean search results full of spam or to breathe over-optimization on all four sides. Productive and efficient, it works for a clear goal: QUALITY. At the moment, there are already websites that have warned Penguin’s scourge because they acted as they should not and others that the algorithm change has benefited them. But now I launch the million dollar question: What if, in spite of being innocent and never having practiced super-optimization techniques, does Google Penguin penalize me? What I do? Very foresighted, Google makes available to users a form to request the manual review of the site in order to verify that the site is completely clean.

Because, although it seems incredible, Google is also wrong. In fact, the web is a hotbed of comments from companies that have seen, overnight, their websites were swept from the ranking of results being clean of any suspicion. Hopefully, it’s just a sign of youth from an update so recently and progressively learn to distinguish the true webspam from the one that is not. Touch to be aware.

These changes are further proof that the Web is evolving rapidly with searches that reward the balance between humanization and specialization. The sum of talents and good praxis shared in community are better enjoyed and we all win. This is Google Penguin, the per-SEO-nified requirement.

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