What if your SME starts sharing?

In all organizations, a large amount of information and documents are generated, which companies often forget, which is an important source of content to share on social networks.

In many sectors there has already been a change in philosophy and they know how to take advantage of these materials to offer quality content for their followers, but at present, there are still many organizations that are very reluctant to share with society.

These companies are the ones that in general terms use these new channels to produce spam, something that ends up boring their followers and prevents them from generating a community around their brand.

Never forget that social networks are composed of groups of people, which are connected by one or several types of relationships, such as friendship, kinship, common interests or knowledge sharing. That is to say, as I already commented in another post, social network users do not enter with the intention of consuming, therefore, the main objective of an organization in these channels can not be to sell.

All this documentation to which I refer to the beginning of the post are usually photographs, videos, slides and other documents for which there are channels in which in addition to sharing it with society, we can have everything perfectly organized.

Uploading the photos of the events to Flickr, for example, correctly labeling the images, renaming them to refer to our organization and grouping them in different albums, will help us to better position our brand on the Internet.

The same can be done with videos through Youtube and with documents and presentations through Slideshare.

In these channels we will have all the documents organized and all of them give us the possibility to “embed” it in our web or blog and to share it in our social networks.

It is something simple, working with content that we have already generated and we get, on the one hand, to offer quality content to our followers, and on the other, improve our positioning on the internet.

There is still a long way to go and it is necessary to make progress in this change of philosophy since the fact of sharing will bring important benefits for our brand on the Internet.

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