How to define Metrics and KPIs depending on the type of Website

Each web has a general goal, even each process within the same goal could have its particular goals. As it is clear, the objectives do not have to be the same, since not all the sites are dedicated to the same thing. 

But what is fundamental when determining the growth of a site and to extract valuable information from it will be the choices of the metrics that best fit our business. And for this as always, you have to try and try again and again until we give the appropriate key. 

I read a while ago a related article in “The Art of Measuring” about KPIs and metrics and I find it very interesting to share common sense of something practical. 

Let’s see for it concrete cases that, after all, is what we are all interested in. For example: 

Type of site “Ecommerce”

Objective: to sell more, spending less. 


  • Conversion rate (conversions / visits). Are we selling? Do we generate leads? Which pages are most visited? Do we optimize that information to make it stand out in the home?
  • Average number of orders (revenue / conversions). What is the average sales price? Does it fit with our planned investment?
  • Visits of value (income / visits). Do we get quality traffic? Maybe we have a high% rebound because we are positioned very well for a keyword that does not have much to do with our business.
  • Customer loyalty (recurring visitors / new visitors). Do we have a good level of loyalty? Is it increasing? On the contrary, with new promotions, did we manage to increase the% of new visits? Do we reach beyond the intended users?
  • Stay on site (see 3 or more pages on the site). Are we liking them? Do we incorporate related product widgets? Do we like it? Does any product in our ecommerce have a high page exit? What is failing with that product?
  • SEO traffic (visits from search engines / global visits). How many visits do we receive from our natural positioning? Why words? Are we positioned by the desired keywords ?.

Type of site “Support or Services” Objective

: to respond to clients through the web offering our services. 


  • Conversion rate (conversions / visits). Does the customer find what they are looking for on the web? Do they fill out the contact form?
  • Bounce Rate (visits that last less than 30 seconds). Is it really what they expect when they get to our site ?.
  • Time of visit (page views / visit). Are you interested in the information of our services ?.
  • Internal search engine (keyword study). Are you looking for services similar to the ones we offer? If there are some similar services you are looking for, why not include them?

Type of site is “Contents” Objective

: to increase the loyalty of the reader or encourage our readers to follow the interaction beyond online and access our offline channels. 


  • Conversion rate (conversions / visits). Are you subscribing to our newsletter ?, Have you downloaded the latest ebook ?.
  • Time spent on the site (pages viewed / visited). Do we generate interest to those who access our content?
  • Depth of content (page views / content visits). What content interests more?
  • Percentage of loyalty of visits (new visits / recurring visits). Do we trust those users who enter the blog? Do we give them what they are looking for ?.
  • Percentage of new visits (new visitors / unique visitors). Once we have a high percentage of loyal users, are we getting to reach new readers ?.
  • Committed visitors (visits of more than 10 minutes duration). What is the% of users who spend more than 10 minutes in our content with respect to the total number of visitors ?.

Type of site “Corporate” Objective

: to retain the user and get our brand to start generating interest. 


  • Conversion rate (visits to the contact form or subscriptions to the newsletter / total of visits How is our% conversion working?) From what source of traffic are we getting better results (searches on Google, Adwords, Social Networks …)? .
  • Fidelity of visits (number of repeat visitors / total number of unique visitors). Do we get loyal users? Do we compare them to other weeks or months?
  • Time spent on the site (visits that stay less than one minute). With that time, is giving them time to understand our concept of brand ?.
  • Acquisition of traffic (visits from direct traffic + SEO visits that includes brand keyword / total visits). How many of those who arrive already know us or have heard of us?

Starting with some of these metrics, we will surely occur to others that help to understand the behavior of users who access our site. Questions will arise that will require new metrics. 

In web analytics do not take anything for granted. Each one can draw their own metrics to try to get the most out of the tools we use for it. And that friends, it takes a while.

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